ICELAND by Drone in 4K - DJI Mavic Air 2

My third trip to Iceland did not disappoint. I managed to drive around the country twice in two weeks in a camper van. Some of my favorite places I saw (shown in the video) are Kilfbrekkufossar, Kirkjufellsfoss, Kirkjufell, Vestrahorn Mountain, Svínafellsjökull Glacier, Múlagljúfur Canyon, Þjófafoss, Stjórnarfoss, Hraunfossar, and Bruarfoss (just to name a few!). If you want more information on visiting Iceland, check out my blog post.


The WATERFALLS of Iceland by Drone in 4K - DJI Mavic Air 2


BERGEN | Norway by Drone in 4K - DJI Mavic Air 2